Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday 16th March, winner "Jimmy Hopkins"

The seasons they are a changin. The sky's were angry last night my friends, the rain came down and lightning struck from all around, and so did Jimmy Hopkins with with his stack of chips as high as a lightning rod.

First to go last night was young Will, he was taken to Chinatown by Jimmy's lightning rod of pocket 9's. This is unfortunate for Will, as the 3 weeks we've been doing this blog, Will has had to cook twice. I'm putting forward that maybe Matty and Willy should pay $15ea to play as one person. Not only would this guarantee a fantastic meal cooked every Monday BBQ, but maybe the boys could get together and be more competitive. It's just a thought.

Next to go was Pommy James, Pommy was taken down by Marky's Pocket Queens. Pommy was playing his trademark moves last night, but was caught out a few times, then fell to the floor like a bleeding piece of haggis, while Marky sat nonchalantly in the corner puffing blindly on a Marlboro light.

I bled chips last night like a stuck pig ready to be spit roasted at a Fijian Hangi festival. I played shit, shit, shit! I'm not even Jaded. I had the fine pleasure of being taken from the game by "Chef" Pease. I went all-in on AJ, one of my least favourite hands, with the "Chef" calling on a K7 suited. Low and behold BY TROJANS THUNDER! A bloody King came out and Matty was blessed with my chips.

Peter was next to leave the table, losing to "The Chef". Matty beat Peter hitting a 7. I have no idea how this happened as I was out of the game at this stage and my interest had faded dramatically, Willy was cooking. I just rang Marky and he said Peter pretty much had 0 chips left. The point is, Peter is finally on the board with a 1 pointer.

After this Marky took the Chef to dinner, smashing him with trip Jacks. This is Matty's highest ranking at the table to date, tidy work on the 2 points Matty. Marky just sat in the corner puffing blindly on a Marlboro light, whilst laughing like a maimed hyena, pegged down by a Tutsi tribeswoman's spear.

Heads up came down to Mark and Jimmy "lightning bolt" Hopkins. Jimmy played some great poker last night. He accumulated chips the whole night and never really looked like being in any trouble. While on the other hand, Marky pitched and rolled with chips like a stricken oil freighter off the coast of Moreton Island. The final Hand come down to AK, with Jimmy "Lord of Thunder and all things electricky" taking Mark out for a damn good roasting. Tidy work boys.

And let's not forget our Chef for the evening, Mr Waegeman. Thank you Whilly for cooking up the Snags, Chicken wings and the marinated steaks provided by the duo that is Beck and Peter.

*notable absentees last night were

Ben"I'm booking bus tickets & flights for the missus"Hall
Beck"I'll be drinking bourbon in the lounge room if you need me"Bourke

Jimmy Hopkins 4points
Mark 3points
Matty 2points
Pete 1point

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