Sunday, April 5, 2009

Monday 30th March, winner "Will Waegeman"

After coming last, last week, I decided to leave this post to the very last minute. Last is not the best place to come and it's the last time coming last for deluxe will happen(touching wood).

Poker was held at an alternative location on Monday, we were blessed with the deck of Ben Hall and his sniper like, quiet dog Harry.

As per usual the chip leader was 1 Mr. "Pommy" James early, and the game was certainly "chipped" heavily in his area. But after a few rounds Jimmy Hopkins took over that position by becoming a massive chip leader.

Mark had to re-buy early, losing his chips to Pommy James. This was followed by Benny buying in after Jimmy Hopkins took him out for a ride.

First to leave the table was myself(cunts), I raised with AK against Jimmy "chipleader" Hopkins, I lost the hand horribly which left me with fuck all chips, I was later taken from the game with Ben's AA v my J7..........Spewing.

Benny was next to go losing to Willy who had AK vs Ben's A10. Spewing Benny, you're just out of the points.

Next to go Was Mark "I've been getting laid recently" and scored himself a 1 pointer.

Then Jimmy Hopkins took a dive coming third and gaining 2 points.

Heads up came down to Pommy and Willy, with willy taking the 4 points and Pommy taking out the 3.

Thanks me for cooking awesome corn cobs and shit.

Fucking took me 3 weeks to write this blog........

Willy 4points
Pommy 3points
Jimmy 2points
Marky 1point

Notable absentees were:

Peter, Becks and Pease

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