Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Monday 27th March, winner "Pommy James"

Baby killed in air crash just minutes after birth

A baby, born in mid-air in a medical helicopter, died minutes later when the aircraft crashed into Corsican mountains, killing its mother, a doctor and two pilots.

President Nicolas Sarkozy today expressed his "deep distress" at the unexplained accident, which happened near Bastia in northern Corsica on Saturday night.

The civil defence helicopter was sent to a clinic in the small town of Ponte-Leccia after a 20 years old woman went into emergency labour. She was taken on a 15 minute flight to hospital in Bastia but the machine crashed into a 500 metre high ridge of the Lancone mountains in mist and high winds.

Rescue workers who located the crash site in the early hours found the bodies of the mother, a 43 years old female accident and emergency doctor and the pilots, aged 56 and 42. They also discovered the remains of the newborn baby.

No distress message was sent by the helicopter and no message to say that the baby had been born in flight.

"Both the pilots were experienced and had worked in Corsica for several years and were used to this kind of flight," said Hervé Bouchaert, the prefect in upper Corsica. He added that the weather was "appalling".

A statement by President Nicolas Sarkozy spoke of his "great distress" and "very great sadness" that a medical flight had ended so tragically. An investigation is under way.

And I ask myself, did Peter have anything to do with this accident Monday? Or was Matty Pease at the controls of this disaster?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Monday 20th April, winner "Marky"

Steve Irwin's ghost allegedly spotted at Batt Reef.

Pino Termini of Naples in the south of Italy has spent more hours underwater than most. Having dived for the Italian Navy for seven years he now spends much of his time traveling the globe in search of the ultimate diving experience. None of this prepared him for what he claims to have seen during his last expedition. Last month he arrived at Port Douglas in tropical North Queensland for his eighth time, The Great Barrier Reef being one of his favorite playgrounds. He had heard that Batt Reef was worth a plunge into the deep blue. He chartered a boat from Port Douglas and made his way out to the area he planned to explore.

'As I started my dive I saw somebody and was surprised because I saw no other boats around, then I noticed that the person had no oxygen tank or mask, the person swam towards me and I realised that it was none other than the crocodile hunter himself: Steve Irwin. I freaked out, but he looked calm and at peace'

'I have seen a lot underwater but never a ghost. It was as if he was looking after the spot where he met his end, I felt that I should not impose myself on his turf as it was his and it seemed as if he was caring for the living creatures there.' Termini said of his traumatic diving experience.

As Winter approaches, we see the cold pay homage to a man by the name of Marky.

I'm a little crook so I'll just post the results up this week.

Winner, Marky!

Mark: 4points
Luke: 2points
Ben: 1point

Notable Absentees: Beck & Chef Pease

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday 13th April, winner "Pommy James" & "Marky"

The Monday night, April Easter Long weekend double-header!

Two games were played last night, with raining PISSING DOWN ACROSS SE Qld!

Poker has reached new heights, everyone has lifted their game. With our new points table everyone wants a piece of the action. No longer is it not acceptable to not only come last but not reaching the top 4 points bubble is fucking painful.

In our first game, we watched as Marky squandered an enviable lead to be the first out for the evening double-header. The chef was not happy and retired to the lounge room for football and big TV's. We then saw a 4 way all-in with Jimmy Hopkins the man to fall 2nd from poker grace.

I was out next calling all-in with my 2pair to Willy's already on the board fucking straight...........

First into the points table was Beck falling to Pete, gaining herself 1 point.

Next to go was Willy who went down to Pommy, gaining himself a 2 pointer.

Heads-up came down to Peter and Pommy. I'm sure I was eating a hamburger at this stage, so I can't be sure what happened, I just know that Pommy took the 4 points.

Pommy 4points
Peter 3points
Willy 2points
Beck 1points

Game number two was an aggressive number, with the BBQ making belly's full, fuckers were ready to play some hard-ass poker.

Speaking of aggressive, Willy was 1st to leave the table.........Aggressively. Mark took Willy down laughing all the way to the bank. With nothing to cook, Willy pondered why his AFL dreamteam was falling apart at the seams so early in the season.

Pete was second to go in the second game, unfortunately no one remembers who came second, last. ;)

At this stage, Pommy was textbookly on fire! Unfortunately for Pommy he was pulled out of the game by Becks hands of fortune, to leave the table in 5th.

Mark seemed to be the quiet little achiever over the next few hands taking out Jimmy for 1point in the bubble, he then took out myself for 2points then heads-up came down to Beckster and Mark. The second time Beck has been in this situation in about a month but couldn't quite pull-off the win this time.

Thanks Marky for the COOK OFF!

Mark 4points
Beck 3points
Luke 2points
Jimmy 1point

Notable absentee's were Benny Hall and Matty "I'm Studying" Pease.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Monday 6th April, winner "Ben Hall"

The bus stop - on a road that buses don't run

IT’S the bus stop to nowhere – which has council officials and bus operators baffled.

This shelter, complete with a seat and advertising boards, was positioned some time ago halfway down Eastboro Way in Nuneaton – but has never served a bus route.

“Why it is there is anyone’s guess,” admitted Chris Burrows, from Warwickshire County Council’s transport planning department.

“In fact, it is quite bizarre, because, as far as I know, we have never authorised the installation of a bus shelter on this road. Perhaps the borough council may be able to shed some light on it.”

But at Nuneaton Town Hall, senior engineer Keith Evans was equally mystified.

He said: “I was not even aware there was a bus shelter on Eastboro Way.

And now for something completely different.........

Last night must've been the quietest poker Monday ever...........And I don't mean Ted, Ted was his usual spritely self, with Marky, Beck and even Willy having a go throwing the ball last night. I'm convinced Ted was a Tri-Athlete in a past life, he may have even been Grant Kenny........Is he dead?

As hangovers and nights at home studying kept everyone to a bible club reading quiet, Pommy James was the first to break the silence by coming last. He went all in on a K9 to Mark's 7,5 off suit the flop was 7,7,K,6,5. Lucky Marky on the big blind.

Next to go for the night was Marky, but it was probably one of the more exciting hands I've seen playing poker with the crew. A three way all-in including the likes of Mark(of course), Pete and Beck. Marky had pocket 8's, Pete had K,10 and Beck had K,Q. Unfortunately for Marky it seems K's were the winner........ I can't believe Beck Went in on a KQ, Tidy work Beck! Didn't you take most of Willy's fuckin chips too?

Peter lost an unfortunate hand to Chef Pease, Pete A,6 to Matty 7,8(suited) which saw him on the sideline with onion cutters Mark and Pommy.

I was next to go with a K,9 to Ben's A,8. And just quietly the blinds were upto 400, 800 at this stage, I don't think I have seen that many of us still on the table at such a late stage ever.

Then came the pain! The blinds by the stage Willy was taken out had been at 500, 1000 for about 20minutes. He ever so gracefully exited the game by losing to the "chef", Willy's A7 couldn't hold up to Matty's K9. 1 point willy.

As a suggestion, the blinds should continue to go up after we reach the 500, 1000 mark, I think everyone was getting a little frustrated as to how long the remaining play went for, and I'm not only talking about myself. Geez it sucked. ;)

Matty made a........Call on Ben's K8 with his own 7,5. If my memory serves my correctly the flop was K,K,7??? Matty, Matty, Matty..........2 points mate.

Finally, heads-up came down to Benny and low and bloody behold Ms Beck Bourke, 2nd time up there on the Heads-up Table, Beck tried to hang in there but Ben, raised and raised and raised, with Beck folding a lot of the time in suit, but very tidy work on the 3 points Beck, you're beating me.........And Peter. Ha!

And thanks for the cook ups Pommy, Eye's fillets were tops and Ben ate enough Snag to kill a large horse, a lion, and a flying camel.

Ben 4points
Beck 3points
Matty 2points
Willy 1point

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Monday 30th March, winner "Will Waegeman"

After coming last, last week, I decided to leave this post to the very last minute. Last is not the best place to come and it's the last time coming last for deluxe will happen(touching wood).

Poker was held at an alternative location on Monday, we were blessed with the deck of Ben Hall and his sniper like, quiet dog Harry.

As per usual the chip leader was 1 Mr. "Pommy" James early, and the game was certainly "chipped" heavily in his area. But after a few rounds Jimmy Hopkins took over that position by becoming a massive chip leader.

Mark had to re-buy early, losing his chips to Pommy James. This was followed by Benny buying in after Jimmy Hopkins took him out for a ride.

First to leave the table was myself(cunts), I raised with AK against Jimmy "chipleader" Hopkins, I lost the hand horribly which left me with fuck all chips, I was later taken from the game with Ben's AA v my J7..........Spewing.

Benny was next to go losing to Willy who had AK vs Ben's A10. Spewing Benny, you're just out of the points.

Next to go Was Mark "I've been getting laid recently" and scored himself a 1 pointer.

Then Jimmy Hopkins took a dive coming third and gaining 2 points.

Heads up came down to Pommy and Willy, with willy taking the 4 points and Pommy taking out the 3.

Thanks me for cooking awesome corn cobs and shit.

Fucking took me 3 weeks to write this blog........

Willy 4points
Pommy 3points
Jimmy 2points
Marky 1point

Notable absentees were:

Peter, Becks and Pease